
by dr david darling..what do you think ?"reincarnation? Yes and no. Death defines the ultimate limits of selves and exposes how fragile, artificial, and essentially unimportant these creations of the living human brain really are. Will you live again? Once more, it is the present self-in-charge that wants to know. And perhaps the best, most ...

Sotoshu in Japan.

Hello Master KosenI wish to get the ordination of boddhisatva. If at first I thought of passing by the AZI (because it is the association that Master Deshimaru founded), we could think that it was legally the most logical.Little which I saw over there quickly discouraged me.I then plan to benefit of a stay in Japan to make me order "on the ...


Dear Master!I`m writing from Norway, where I got back 3 times to take a job, try myself and get to know myself. i feel the same all the time, I can`t do it, but insist on it to fullfit my dream and attain the knowlidges and find myself even if I`m alone and am among uknown people. If I feel the pain in my stomach in hara it means i have to ...

Harada's sesshin.

How is it possible that you are the only one to have refused to take part in the sesshin of Harada and that all the other disciples of Master Deshimaru were there knowing that he criticized and envy their Master?

Does one have to cure those who are not sick?

You answered Bruce Rose that the practice of Zen was reserved for people in good health. I believed, forgive me, that Zen cured. Does one have to cure that which is not sick? Are you a zen monk, or the spokesman of a new extremist branch called "Satori with people in good health!"? Didn't you think for a second that M.Bruce Rose could be ...

Zazen and work

The more I practice zazen, the less I feel at ease with my work. I would like to spend my whole time practicing zazen, but I must support my family: my wife and my son. How can I embrace contradictions and realize myself at each moment doing something I like? I'm very little concentrated in my work, though I try to do my best. FU ...

Obliged to caricature the Easterners.

Aioli that means hello in Provence! Caro Stéphane, On our premises we would say, no it is a guy, I’m right! and the other buddy, says "it seems to me he is not a guy, he is a monk" A fatchedecon! He is dressed in fashion, he is a samurai, or then he is Chinese! Besides he’s got a Bartez haircut done. Without talking cock! I’m not talking...

I am a ballet dancer.

Dear Master Kosen,I am a ballet dancer in Canada. I have a show on Wednesday and I am having trouble with certain steps that require me to spin around my centre axis and trust that I will land properly. I have always had an issue with balance, I feel like it reflects the lack of trust I have for myself and those around me, and the fear I have of...

Can zazen worsen a condition?

Hello kosen sensei Hope you don't mind if I make an introduction before stating my point. A few years ago I had a delirious crisis which led me to a psychiatric hospital for 10 days. That episode was presented in the form of negative thoughts and even nightmares which were imposed to me very quickly and lead me in all directions with eccentric ...

Zazen and therapy

Dear Keisen...Does zazen have some effect like psychotherapy? For example, to work through or to release what people call "traumas"? Let's say old emotional trouble and old perceptions that go with those emotional forms?Kind Regards,Jason GosnellFlorida, USA

Most excellent Master

I already thought, without having met you personally, that you were an excellent Master. I've just read that you enjoyed listening to SUMO and this makes me suspect that God exists and that he pretends to be yourself. How would you clarify that for me?


hi, i recently started practicing the buddhism of nichiren daishonin and i have many doubts, one is why there are so many diovisions in buddhism, and the other, is what do you think about the buddhism of god, and where we come from, because i was told that you don't believe in god, but there is a line of buddhism that do, and i'd like to know ...

Sport or meditation, or both?

hello Master, according to scientific research, to do at least 3 X 45 minutes sport per week, would be an effective way of being in shape, sport acts on the neuro transmitters and would support the well being!According to you master, Which one is necessary to do, sport or meditation, or both?

Why do some practice zazen, while others don't?

I cannot understand why I've been drawn to zazen, 10 years ago, whereas my friends or my relatives are in no way interested in the practice. . . What drives people to sit in zazen and think it's only evident and natural, whereas others don't give a damn about it? Are they already awakened?


When a member of your family, unconsciously and only because of his karma, i.e., despite the fact that he's a being who keeps good , scarce, but deep because of blood ties, relationship with us. . .  This hurts us very much, up to the point of not willing to live because one feels he must lose life; how do you solve ...

Creative God?

Master, I see that you spoke about Big Bang, so avoiding speaking about a creative God (you are right because nobody can prove his existence or either to deny him) you did like Buddha, to avoid speaking about the question. Probably you also made it to avoid influencing your correspondent on the net. But what is your real thought? If Big Bang ...

the death of my parents (2)

thank you for your kind words of common sense, i am a christian but feelso much sadness when i enter my church, it no longer gives me comfort,in fact it makes me cry, so im searching.... what for i dont know, wheredo i find the conentment and humility that you seem to have where do istart, i want to know more


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Zen meditation : retreats

Next sesshin : from 22 June 2024 to 23 June 2024 - Information and registration to this zen retreat

Be for yourselfyour own light,your only refuge.


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Questions to zen Master Kosen

Boddidharma, buddhist monk

Master Kosen

Follow his teachings in the Montpellier Zen dojo and in the great sesshins at Yujo Nyusanji zen temple


Listen to and download last teachings (in french) of Master Kosen in Montpellier's dojo