Yujo Nyusanji Zen Temple  was founded by Master Kosen, heir of Master Mokudo Taisen Deshimaru's Dharma. Master Kosen, his disciples, and members of Zen Deshimaru Buddhist nonprofit organization retire to the temple to practice sesshins, samu, and daily gyoji. . . and also to recharge their batteries, take a deep breath of mountain air, spot wild mouflons, learn archery, and dive in the peaceful atmosphere of forests and rivers.

The Caroux Zen Temple is located right in the heart of the Haut-Languedoc regional natural park, 1 h 40 west of Montpellier, France.

Maître Gyu Ji Igelnick

Zen Teaching

This dojo is directed by Master Gyu Ji Ingrid Igelnick


Ingrid Igelnick was initiated into Zen and met Master Deshimaru in 1978. In 1984, she was ordained as a zen nun by Master Kosen, from whom she also received the Shiho transmission in 2015.

At the same time, she trained in shiatsu (Zen massage) and set up Soi-Zen, a kimono and kolomo workshop.

She has been practising with her Master since 1992 and assists him in his mission. She has been leading sesshines for many years and also teaches sewing of the Kesa.

On the days and times shown below, the Dojo is opened for the practice of Zazen. Zazen lasts around an hour and a half. We ask you to arrive 10 minutes in advance to prepare yourself for Zazen.

Monday  non
Tuesday07:00 19:00
Wednesday07:00 19:00
Thursday07:00 19:00
Friday07:00 19:00
Saturday08:00 19:00

Beginners' course in the practice of Zazen

The beginners' course takes place each Sunday, 18:00

During the beginners' course, you will be shown the different sorts of meditation exercises which are traditionally practiced in an authentic Zen Dojo : Zazen, Kin-Hin, Sampaï, Gassho.

You will be assisted in the practice of these various exercises by zen monks or advanced practitioners. You will also learn about proper behaviour and attitude in a Dojo during meditation.

The course lasts 45 minutes and is followed by a 1 hour Zazen. This is free of charge. No need to register in advance. Just dress in loose fitting, dark clothes.

Address : Route du Hameau de Douch 34610 Rosis FRANCE

  •  By car. There are at least four possible routes from the valley of Orb. We suggest you go through Hérépian, d13 towards Saint-Gervais, then d13e12 towards the Horte, then continue to Rosis then to Douch, turn right 1 km before Douch (zen temple sign). Coming from Toulouse, it is faster to pass by the d180 on the Espinouse pass.
  • By train, there are bus services for Lamalou for 1.5 euros which leave from Montpellier and Béziers. You can even bring a bike on them.

    A pickup is organized in Lamalou, opposite the casino, on the arrival day of sessions and sesshins, by default at 20H05. When you register, just remember to indicate, in the public message field, that you wish to be picked up. Notice that if you need to, it is possible for you to log in again and modify this message.  taxi from Lamalou: 06 08 77 12 96 -cost: 25 euros aprox.

    1. Montpellier:  18H30 - 20H00, depart from Mosson, (end stop of tram 1 which departs opposite Montpellier Saint Roch station.)
    2. Béziers: 17H25 - 18H35 depart opposite the station, , not available on Sundays or holidays.
  • On foot, from Montpellier, do not get off at Lamalou, but in Colombières-sur-orb (bus 15H45 -17H35 from Mosson), go up by the gorges of Colombières, to the left of the river -it is beautiful and, you can swim there. Not to be done if it rains. The journey takes about 2h30, once you arrived at the "Col des Avels", continue to Rosis, then to Douch.

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Address : Route du Hameau de Douch 34610 Rosis FRANCE

Tel. : +33/(0) 749703533

Website : Yujo Nyusanji zen temple

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Zen meditation : retreats

Next sesshin : from 22 February 2025 to 23 February 2025 - Information and registration to this zen retreat

End of winter Sesshin 2025 : Zazen the méditation Zen, Caroux Temple near of Montpellier

Authentic reality, vulgarity are only words in a dream, Buddha and living beings, random forms, When you are here, bring back your light towards the inside. Enlighten the surroundings. Open your hands and refuse nothing.

Fuyo Dokai

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Let's help the Kosen Sangha and the Yujo Nyusanji zen temple


Questions to zen Master Kosen

Boddidharma, buddhist monk

Master Kosen

Follow his teachings in the Montpellier Zen dojo and in the great sesshins at Yujo Nyusanji zen temple


Listen to and download last teachings (in french) of Master Kosen in Montpellier's dojo