Many dojos of the Kosen Sangha, where the great sitting of the Buddhas, zazen, is practiced and taught on a daily basis, today are in difficulty due to the fight against the spread of Coronavirus.

Normally, dojos pay the bills and the rent thanks to the monthly contributions of the practitioners. In periods of confinement or movement restriction, gathering is limited and thus ... this resource disappears. Notwithstanding, finding a place suitable for practicing, both calm and centrally located, accessible by public transport, with moderate rent ... is always complicated whether in Europe or in South America.

If you practice regularly, or occasionally, in a dojo in your city, we invite you to contact this dojo directly, either to continue to pay your monthly subscription, even if at present you cannot go there, or to contribute a specific amount in the form of fusé (donation). If you don't have a regular dojo where you practice, you can also make a donation to the Zen Deshimaru Buddhist association, which brings together all the Sanghas of Master Kosen. The association will then take care of distributing your donations to the dojos in financial difficulty. Your help is precious for maintaining the existence of our dojos, where everyone has the chance to practice zazen and follow the authentic teaching of Zen Buddhism.

You can contribute by making a donation to Kosen Sangha through Paypal (no need to have a Paypal account, a bank card is enough). You can print a receipt at the last step. If you do not wish or cannot make a donation online, you can also make a donation by check payable to the ABZD (at the following address: Association Bouddhiste Zen Deshimaru, Temple zen du Caroux, Route du Hameau de Douch 34610 Rosis FRANCE) or by making a direct bank transfer using this Bank account references.


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Zen meditation : retreats

Next sesshin : from 31 October 2024 to 03 November 2024 - Information and registration to this zen retreat

Autumn Camp 2024 : Zazen the méditation Zen, Caroux Temple near of Montpellier

The ears become deaf The eyes blind In the vacuum of midnight The body is lost.


Donate to the Sangha

Let's help the Kosen Sangha and the Yujo Nyusanji zen temple


Questions to zen Master Kosen

Boddidharma, buddhist monk

Master Kosen

Follow his teachings in the Montpellier Zen dojo and in the great sesshins at Yujo Nyusanji zen temple


Listen to and download last teachings (in french) of Master Kosen in Montpellier's dojo