
For the bodhisattva, thanks to the wisdom which leads beyond, There exists no obstacle and no fear. Every illusion and every attachment are distant And he can grab the ultimate end of his life, nirvana.

Fuyo Dokai

Authentic reality, vulgarity are only words in a dream, Buddha and living beings, random forms, When you are here, bring back your light towards the inside. Enlighten the surroundings. Open your hands and refuse nothing.


For that only a silent coincidence is enough.


It is because the root of your faith is insignificant That appears in your mind the impulse to pack up your stuff And run on the trails to wander in far places.


However deep our understanding of abstruse ideas may be

it is like a hair in the immensity of space.

As great as our experience of things of the world

it is like a drop in an immeasurable abyss.


Through the thought without thought Direct your attention towards the inside To examine the divine spark When your thought cannot go farther It goes back to the source Where nature and form Noumene and phenomenon Are not two but one.


The ears become deaf The eyes blind In the vacuum of midnight The body is lost.

Yoka Daishi

Clear mirror of the free mind in all reflections Full light of the vacuum in each grain of universe To the ten thousands shadows of the exuberating multitude A pearl irradiates in the forgetting of space

Taisen Deshimaru

The highest wisdom is without goal, without consciousness. We can only get it unconsciously, naturally, automatically.

Kodo Sawaki

The monk without homeDiscover the inalienable life Which is without going and coming, That is the practice of the Way. Then you will reach the true vision And your ego will not be a transitory self But an eternal self. As long as we do not wake up to that, It is useless to be born in this world.


Strange is really the way which drives to the Cold Mount We see no beaten track, no trace of hoof. The valleys meander to lost of sight, The summits sparkle of dew and the pines mutter under the wind Did you not understand yet? Reality asks the way to the shadow.


Like in a mirror Form and reflection look at each other You are not the reflection But the reflection is yourself


The meaning of my coming to the East Has been to transmit the way A flower with five petals blossoms And the fruit will grow by itself


When we know that there is no separation Between this body and Buddha What is the use of looking for the Nirvana?


The mind is moving with the ten thousands things And even while moving it stays quiet If you perceive its essence You will find no happiness and no sorrow


In ku there is no matter, no perception, no feeling, no action and no consciousness There is no color, no sound, no smell, no taste, no thought. There is no knowledge, no ignorance, no illusion, no cessation of illusion There is no birth, no death, no suffering, no cessation of suffering. There is no profit, no loss.


Your words and mind are in unity More intimate than mother and father Your actions and the way are in unity, So is the Buddha mind


Lord, it would be nice if you would allow the women to enter the life without residence Following your teaching and your training.


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Zen meditation : retreats

Next sesshin : from 22 February 2025 to 23 February 2025 - Information and registration to this zen retreat

End of winter Sesshin 2025 : Zazen the méditation Zen, Caroux Temple near of Montpellier

Clear mirror of the free mind in all reflections Full light of the vacuum in each grain of universe To the ten thousands shadows of the exuberating multitude A pearl irradiates in the forgetting of space

Yoka Daishi

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Questions to zen Master Kosen

Boddidharma, buddhist monk

Master Kosen

Follow his teachings in the Montpellier Zen dojo and in the great sesshins at Yujo Nyusanji zen temple


Listen to and download last teachings (in french) of Master Kosen in Montpellier's dojo