In Zen practice, a Mondo is a dialogue between a disciple and his master.

maily magdalena madera rafo

Last night, for the first time, I've practiced zazen at home. I succeeded in relaxing and I felt rather calm. After a while, I went to bed and I had the worst nightmare in my whole life. I dreamt I was lost in a very white and beautiful place that I didn't know. Despite of the beauty of the place, I felt in danger. ...

Who realizes?

Not an easy task to find the right words. If there is nobody to experiment nor observe, who realizes? Not the individual. Or at least, not individual consciousness, since it itself disappears. Sorry not to be able to state my meaning more clearly. Thanks for your presence.

The hands during zazen

Hello, i have a problem with my hands. They dont stay still, and fingers and thumbs move, plus i feel kind of pain (like when you hold your arm up in the air for some time), in both my hands and arms. these are my problems, they dont happen all at once but they happen in general, so all in all i cant remain still. It is not fidgeting, they move ...

The hands during zazen 2

Hello, thank you very much for your reply aboutmy inquiry about posture(hands).You've helped me a lot. I just have one more question that isbugging me, it might be silly but it really wont give me peace.One indian mystic, Osho, (supppousedly enligthenment) although i dont knowwhat path he used, said that enlightenment is possible only at night ...


What do i bring to peoples life with my zazen daily practice? I'm i helping other beings when i sit down in zazen posture?


My Zen teacher, a former student of Master Deshimuru, tells me to have long slow exhalations and short quick inhalations, but I have read other zazen "manuals", inluding one by Temple Antaiji, that you should just let the breath be natural. What is the difference between letting the breath be as it is and forcing the breath to breath long ...


My Zen teacher, a former student of Master Deshimuru, tells me to have long slow exhalations and short quick inhalations, but I have read other zazen "manuals", inluding one by Temple Antaiji, that you should just let the breath be natural. What is the difference between letting the breath be as it is and forcing the breath to breath long ...

Do I have to continue practising in a seated way?

"Thus what is contradictory is that we say it is necessary to abandon the ego. Yes, but if you sit down on a chair in order not to feel pain and you are doing zazen with your ego on the chair, it will all come down to nothing, because it is necessary to abandon the ego to find your true nature." I resume this question already asked on the fact ...

Count or observe the breathing?

I would like to know if one should count the breathing or it is only necessary to observe it.when I count the breathing I get anxious and when I only observe it I have arrived into samadhi.thanks for your kind answer

Taking the air to the abdomen?

Please, it is not clear to me if when I breathe in I must take the air to the abdomen or if I do that when I breath out. In "Zen in the Art of Archery" they teach the author in a different way from the one I was taught in the dojo of Buenos Aires. ALSO ON THE WEB OF THE URUGUAYAN BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION, THERE IS A DRAWING WHERE THE ABDOMEN ...

Duration of the meetings of zazen.

Hello, One often intends to say, in the groups of practice, or the sesshins, that the duration of the meetings of zazen practised alone, at the house, do not have to exceed 20 min.Why? Personally, my group meets once per week and I everyday approximately an hour. I do not have the impression that that creates a problem or degenerates my ...

The shade of desire.

Hello, here my question: during zazen, is not carnally necessary to be inhabited by the shade of desire so that in full light, we can try out its inconsistency

An enormous quantity of energy.

I often have moments during the day or I have an enormous quantity of energy which fills my brain, my body my eyes and I have the impression to be in the world and out of the world simply with the smile.It is very pleasant, even in my foot but it is also alarming because I have the impression to lose control on all, I wonder whether I will not ...

If thoughts come up from vacuity...

If thoughts come up from vacuity and there they return, how are they formed? According to the law of causality, it is needed several causes to produce a result, therefore where is the origin of these causes? Sincerely,


Introduction: I have been practicing zazen for 15 years. Dokusho Villalba taught me. I am in the habit of having a very low arterial pressure and it is difficult to activate myself. I suspect that the abdominal breathing, which I already do spontaneously during the whole day, influences the excessive slowering of my metabolism.Question: How can ...

Does Zen increase concentration powers?

Namaste,I have been curious about Zen for some timeabout 6 months and have been reading a lot about it. Ihave not started practicing yet.My question is since Zen meditation is stopping of thethought would it facilitate concentrated thinking whenwilled by the person practicing zazen ?in other words does it increase concentration powers ...


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Barcelona Sesshin 2025

However deep our understanding of abstruse ideas may beit is like a hair in the immensity of space.As great as our experience of things of the worldit is like a drop in an immeasurable abyss.


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Questions to zen Master Kosen

Boddidharma, buddhist monk

Master Kosen

Follow his teachings in the Montpellier Zen dojo and in the great sesshins at Yujo Nyusanji zen temple


Listen to and download last teachings (in french) of Master Kosen in Montpellier's dojo