
Do you understand why the chatterbox is causing me to have so much distress in trying to figure out this voice in my head that keeps talking to me? It is has if I have separated my self from it. Nobody I know understands what I am talking about. It is like I am so aware of this internal voice and I have no control over it. I think of it as an enemy because it keeps making me distressed. I am aware of this monkey mind but I don’t understand it and no one I know understands it. Do you? I feel as if I am a spectator listening to this inner negative voice and at the same time trying to understand it. Can you help me? Thank you

Answer from Master Kosen

Our parents taught us to describe our world with words, it is quite handy, but that hardens, that makes reality much more rigid, that certainly reassures us. So we took the bad habit to make at every moment the inventory of the reality which surrounds us, calling by their names all the things, all the events; we should learn again to perceive things like before we knew how to talk. Such a silence, such a greatness, such a freedom, to learn again that we should use our will and unlearn how to think. Brake, expel the thoughts which come in. Do that before falling asleep until the thoughts and the images which come into your brain become incoherent. It is the signal that it is at this moment that the subconscious expresses itself. Let it go freely, plunge then in the dream and sleep well.

Mondo On the same theme : Suffering

Suffering like beneficial.

is what you also, you force your spirit to consider the problems, and the suffering like beneficial, a source of joy, in order to appreciate life whatever the situation? thank you master

Dealing with despair

Having demonstrated great moral courage and strength for all my life, I find myself hit again and again with harsh blows that not only send me reeling but also limit my ability to deal with my responsibilities toward others, by, among other things, taking timeavailable to deal with multiple responsibilities. The sense of defeat is overwhelming....

How do you manage at your level of spiritual consciousness the limitations and the sufferings of the human beings ?

Bonjour Maître KOSEN,Comment gérez-vous à votre degré de conscience spirituel les limitations les souffrances des humains ? Je suis Moine Zen, ma compassion est grande MAIS à long terme, ces mécanismes karmiques répétés m'ennuient et me lassent, donc mon attitude actuelle fait que je pratique Zazen semblable à un chêne, dans une ...

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Autumn Camp 2024 : Zazen the méditation Zen, Caroux Temple near of Montpellier

For the bodhisattva, thanks to the wisdom which leads beyond, There exists no obstacle and no fear. Every illusion and every attachment are distant And he can grab the ultimate end of his life, nirvana.


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Questions to zen Master Kosen

Boddidharma, buddhist monk

Master Kosen

Follow his teachings in the Montpellier Zen dojo and in the great sesshins at Yujo Nyusanji zen temple


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