
Good morning Master Kosen,
Reading along the questions-answers, I get a question: How could Master Deshimaru bring back a kesa from Japan as there is no kesa? Is everything not proceeding from KU?
The reality, it seems to me, is that the kesa has been transmitted because I do zazen now and that I have never been in Japan. I am preoccupied from a long time by this question: what is my own nature? In which direction shall I look for to discover it and open this door? The non intellectual or analytical introspection: from the domain of the feeling I am given a striking answer where it is about equilibrium, middle, concensus. I have a lot of trouble accepting that?
Shall I look for it more or accept this answer?



Answer from Master Kosen

Ku is not the negation of what exists but the true nature of what exists is ku.

Mondo On the same theme : Kesa

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Questions to zen Master Kosen

Boddidharma, buddhist monk

Master Kosen

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