
According to the Zen philosophies, is there a God? Also, what is the
consequence of befriending some one whose religion is not the same as
yours? What is the level of toleration for those not like ourselves?

Answer from Master Kosen

There are no religions. Religions are just useless superstitions, even
harmful to human being. Your friendship is certainly more precious than
any religion. You are looking for religion where it is not and you do not
practice where it truly is.

Mondo On the same theme : God and religions

Is the Christian God incompatible with Zen?

In your writings, you keep on speaking about God, and even, of Jesus Christ. That can appear, a priori, surprising coming from a Zen Master, considering that in Buddhism, it is almost never spoken about God. Therefore, is the idea of God, in any case of the Christian God, incompatible with Zen?

Creative God?

Master, I see that you spoke about Big Bang, so avoiding speaking about a creative God (you are right because nobody can prove his existence or either to deny him) you did like Buddha, to avoid speaking about the question. Probably you also made it to avoid influencing your correspondent on the net. But what is your real thought? If Big Bang ...

Zen and Islam

I have the pleasure to write this message to you, because I would like to be informed about the comparison between zen and the islam. I have wished so much to practice zen, but I have never found a master to learn from

Is Zazen a disguised christian practice?

I went to the Latin America Zen center on December 24th to practize Zazen. Upon arrival somebody told me that Zazen was suspended because they ( the monks ) were having a party or something, later in the night. Is that a satori? everything is impermanent including Zazen?Is Zazen a disguised christian practice?

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It is because the root of your faith is insignificant That appears in your mind the impulse to pack up your stuff And run on the trails to wander in far places.


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Questions to zen Master Kosen

Boddidharma, buddhist monk

Master Kosen

Follow his teachings in the Montpellier Zen dojo and in the great sesshins at Yujo Nyusanji zen temple


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