English translation unavailable for Kosen Sangha.

Kosen Sangha : zazen, sesshins and samu this spring

Kosen Sangha : zazen, sesshins and samu this spring

Letter to the Sangha from Christophe Ryurin Desmur : The Kosen Sangha has had to adapt to the situation which requires us to practice each of us alone at home, but also, for many of us, together during the Zazen organized on Zoom. The Zazen on Saturday morning at 12 noon thus links a large part of the Sangha to Master Kosen.

Forums des talents Kosen Sangha :  Aidez à promouvoir le zazen de Deshimaru !

Kosen Sangha Skills Forums

You're a zazen practitioner with established knowledge,  and You’re eager to put your knowledge and know-how at the service of the Sangha? Join one of the following Thematic forums for discussion to move the Sangha forward, together.

La maitre zen Gyu Ji, responsable du temple zen Yujo Nyusanji

An autumn at Yujo Nyusanji Zen temple

Ingrid Gyu Ji has been in charge of the Yujo Nyusanji Zen Temple since this autumn, taking over from Master Kosho Loic Vuillemin. Here is some news of this first autumn at the Zen temple in the Montains of Caroux. All the samu was performed with help of many members of the Kosen Sangha.


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Clear mirror of the free mind in all reflections Full light of the vacuum in each grain of universe To the ten thousands shadows of the exuberating multitude A pearl irradiates in the forgetting of space

Yoka Daishi

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Questions to zen Master Kosen

Boddidharma, buddhist monk

Master Kosen

Follow his teachings in the Montpellier Zen dojo and in the great sesshins at Yujo Nyusanji zen temple


Listen to and download last teachings (in french) of Master Kosen in Montpellier's dojo