The Quebec zen dojo is an authentic and traditional Zen dojo dedicated to the daily practice of Zen.

The responsible has received monk or nun ordination, and practice the main sesshins within the Kosen Sangha.

The dojo welcomes anybody wishing to discover the practice of zazen, in the spirit transmitted by Master Deshimaru.

On the days and times shown below, the Dojo is opened for the practice of Zazen. Zazen lasts around an hour and a half. We ask you to arrive 10 minutes in advance to prepare yourself for Zazen.

Monday  19:30
Wednesday  19:30
Friday  19:30

Beginners' course in the practice of Zazen

The beginners' course takes place each Saturday, 10:00

During the beginners' course, you will be shown the different sorts of meditation exercises which are traditionally practiced in an authentic Zen Dojo : Zazen, Kin-Hin, Sampaï, Gassho.

You will be assisted in the practice of these various exercises by zen monks or advanced practitioners. You will also learn about proper behaviour and attitude in a Dojo during meditation.

The course lasts 45 minutes and is followed by a 1 hour Zazen. This is free of charge. No need to register in advance. Just dress in loose fitting, dark clothes.

Pour les débutants arrivez 30 min à l'avance.Vêtements ample et foncé si possible. Journée de zazen ou sesshin une fois par mois voir site du dojo.

Address : 515 rue de l'éperon G1K6S7 Québec. CANADA

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Address : 515 rue de l'éperon G1K6S7 Québec. CANADA

Tel. : 418 692-1555

Website : Quebec zen dojo

Join us on Facebook :ébec/191247764277822?sk=friendactivity

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It is because the root of your faith is insignificant That appears in your mind the impulse to pack up your stuff And run on the trails to wander in far places.


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Questions to zen Master Kosen

Boddidharma, buddhist monk

Master Kosen

Follow his teachings in the Montpellier Zen dojo and in the great sesshins at Yujo Nyusanji zen temple


Listen to and download last teachings (in french) of Master Kosen in Montpellier's dojo