5) Can one practise and yet develop social and human experiences?

I admire you to have known how to create a community, even if you did not want it, even if your believers came like the butterflies attracted by flame. I admire you even more if you wanted it. But, I ask it to you, this community life, this life where everything is to be experimented, but within the community, how to know that it is not a life ...

Why practice ?

Why practice ? What worries me, that is the "why" of practice .. and the "why" of all things. Everything appears to me vain. When we will be dead, you and me, I doubt that your corpse will be better than mine; I doubt that you will go in some paradise where I will not go. Then why practice ? Tell me, please, in what I am wrong in asking the ...

What can I do, follow my heart or follow my father ?

Dear Master Kosen,I practiced for about two years in the Dojo in Brest. I am now studying in Parisand unfortunately stopped practicing. I am now facing a dilemna : go on with my studies and later on study buddhism or follow my father in is wood company in Indonesia, the kind of company which is deforesting the virgin forest,that is of so bad ...

4) Can one practise and yet develop social and human experiences?

Love, the gift of oneself, the gift of everything, to the other one, to the others, is it the foundation of life? Or then life, true life, it is to follow you, to listen to you, to go there where you are? Because if we experiment this life of summer camp in autumn camp, indeed in the warmth within the community, life given rhythm by the seasons,...

Where is fear ?

Where is fear ?Sometimes, I feel scared when I speak to people or when I look at them straight in the eyes. I would like toescape and to find a silencious place. I don't understandand I suffer. * Retour: Kosen online


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Next sesshin : from 13 June 2024 to 16 June 2024 - Information and registration to this zen retreat

Sesshin of the kesa 2024 led by Master Françoise Kosen Laurent

Clear mirror of the free mind in all reflections Full light of the vacuum in each grain of universe To the ten thousands shadows of the exuberating multitude A pearl irradiates in the forgetting of space

Yoka Daishi

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Questions to zen Master Kosen

Boddidharma, buddhist monk

Master Kosen

Follow his teachings in the Montpellier Zen dojo and in the great sesshins at Yujo Nyusanji zen temple


Listen to and download last teachings (in french) of Master Kosen in Montpellier's dojo