Le maître zen Ryurin Desmur

Christophe Ryurin Desmur has been a zen monk since 1989. He is responsible for  the practice of Zen in Lyon.

A teacher of Chinese calligraphy, he is the official calligrapher of the Kosen sangha.

He received the shiho (Dharma transmission) from Master Kosen on 8th October 2009.


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The way is round, perfect as the vast world Without any notion of lack or superfluous. In reality because we want to choose or reject We are not free


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Questions to zen Master Kosen

Boddidharma, buddhist monk

Master Kosen

Follow his teachings in the Montpellier Zen dojo and in the great sesshins at Yujo Nyusanji zen temple


Listen to and download last teachings (in french) of Master Kosen in Montpellier's dojo