This sutra, which closes the ceremony, is recited as a sign of gratitude to the buddahs and the patriarchs. The Ji ho San Shi is generally done together with sampaï, three prostrations.



Ji - Ho - San - Shi - I - Shi - Fu
Shi - Son - Bu - Sa - Mo - Ko - Sa
Mo - Ko - Ho - Ja - Ho - Ro - Mi

To all the buddahs, past, present and future, in the ten directions,
to all the bodhisatvas and patriarchs,
the sutra of the Great Wisdom
which allows us to go always further.


El Sutra Ji ho San Shi se acompaña generalmente por sampaï, tres prosternaciones.

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Authentic reality, vulgarity are only words in a dream, Buddha and living beings, random forms, When you are here, bring back your light towards the inside. Enlighten the surroundings. Open your hands and refuse nothing.

Fuyo Dokai

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Boddidharma, buddhist monk

Master Kosen

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